Monday, October 25, 2010


How about if I leave out the dates and date-jumps??
THE RETURN OF THE WHEELCHAIR DETECTIVE WITH THE TRI-COLOR FOOT (turned scientist turned wheelchair detective, back and forth a couple times).
There were no clues to be found anywhere in THE BIG A, so wcd01 flew to Seattle where Transcontinental Paper and String’s HQ occupied the tallest building just south of town near the airport.
Ha!!! Lots of clues at TCPS HQ. Lots of motives and intents AND opportunities. Lots of suspects. Too many. So the wcd01 drove south to Portland, OR. where TCPS had it’s research center and did not test on porcupines, elephants or ants or whales (I think ... I can’t find where I say – oh, there it is, where I talk about shaving too.) There the wcd01 with the swollen and tri-color foot found just one motive and intent and opportunity. All on one guy.
“This should be easy to handle.” thot wcd01.
We now have some new paths thru’ the garden – cement ones. The weather forecast changed, and the guys showed up about 7 AM and the cement truck at 9:40 and now we just have to wait for a few days or a week. A squirrel tested it early on and the cement guy and his wife came back a couple of times to check on it.
Connie checked with the main guy (the main guy and his son were here yesterday with a bobcat-backhoe digging out the paths) about a patio out back.
Speaking of films of Phiip K. Dick’s scifi stories, there’s only two I’ve liked – BLADERUNNER and THROUGH THE SCANNER DARKLY. Others – The Minority Report, Next, ... I think are pretty crappy.
I just got MEDICARE AND YOU - 2011 (fat booklet) in the mail (yesterday). It’s full of smiling 65 yr-and-older smiling people. Aside... The medical equipment catalogues are full of smiling people too. Large folk being hoisted happily. I bet when surgeons start using catalogues we’ll see someone smilingly getting open-heart surgery. Then when mortuaries start using catalogues – smiling cadavers...
Anyway, what is this BS??? I’ve never caught me smiling while using a disabled person’s device!! And MEDICARE has yet to coax a grin from me (that’s socialized medicine for ya !!!) (or for me, anyway.)
Well, I suppose I’ll be 65 yr-and-older some day soon.
We also got a catalogue about the neat toy store in Oly, WIND UP HERE. All the models in it are younger than 65 yrs, but they’re smiling too. Future engineers, fashion designers, magicians(illusionists), super heroes, scientists, ... in general, just good, smart (also, happy) little people. Now I see what ‘wage slave’ really means. And where it starts. And where it ends. And how it works. I’ve always wanted to be one; I just didn’t know it.
Boy! is it raining today. Well, only 7 more months of it to go.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010


Part man, part germ – or, maybe part germ and part man – as a result of falling in a big vat of radioactive germs and later being bombarded by gamma rays , Germman found himself endowed with secret, special FBI powers like due diligence and algoritms and profiles. These served him well as he went to solve space problems.
With his loyal sidekick, dali LLAMA (which is hard to pronounce – the 'LL' is silent. and the 'A's are silent, and the 'M' is silent too. So, he just goes by just 'd'li'.)


Saturday, June 5, 2010


Part man, part germ – or, maybe part germ and part man – as a result of falling in a big vat of germs.
Later on he learned that it was either a radioactive vat of germs or a vat of radioactive germs and the incident gave him secret, special, FBI powers. So, Germman set out, with due diligence, to right all the wrongs left in the world.
He started by setting out to put an end to WAR.
But there was much research required first.
He had to look up where there were wars going on. And then pick one that was reasonably close with decent facilities, places to wash up and eat organically and go to the toilet and all. For war is dirty, crappy business. Certainly there are cheaper and more fun things to do – like hitting oneself on the tongue with a gnarly piece of hemp rope, or maybe just sucking on a new hemp rope.
Anyway, he set off to end war...
Initially he gave the bankers 700 billion dollars, thinking it would hold them for awhile. Then he gave the insurance companies 700 billion dollars, thinking they, too, would be held.
But it wasn't until he found the dali LLAMA that he finally knew what to do.
"... Amass a huge army and put an end to all other armies. And while you're at it, shoot their bullets out of the air just to show 'em how good and serious you are. " The dollie said.
That sounds pretty good, Germman thought, especially the shooting part.
Germman liked shooting.

Monday, July 6, 2009


2009-07-04 - sat
Carol wrote:
“ guys have really been busy ! We appreciate your information about Helen, cause we had no idea when, or if, she'd be here. If she gets here that soon, we shouldn't have to re-clean everything we cleaned before Jody and family got here.

Fletcher and Ivy are spending the night with us. I asked Jody and Dave what they were going to do for the evening..they looked at each other blankly - or looked blankly at each other. Then they decided they'd probably just drive around and look at the changes that have occurred in the area.

Tomorrow it's the 4th of July at Pioneer Park until it gets so hot we get grumpy and wanna come home...we figure about noon.
Sunday it's the movie, "Up."
Monday J & D are heading home.
Tuesday or so, H. arrives.
By then we will have made it through our 6th "official" day of retirement.
We'll see y'all sometime in August. But don't bother cleaning for us !!
Please give your family our love...They're an interesting lot.
Oh, speaking interesting lot, Wally and Eric pulled two drunken sots from a burning trailer house.
Love to you all !!!!
Di and Carol”

I think that Wally & Eric are heroes because of what they did.
2009-07-04 - sat
How about we give half your love to good ol’ B.O. and give half
of ours to him as well. Then divide the rest between children
of siblings. ( who’s siblings, it doesn’t matter ).
Sounds like Wally & Eric are heroes. They’ll probably get
rich. But with that kind of money that disappears ( the kind
that is put in pension funds. )
I’m watching one of the InstantWatch movies that Netflix
has for the web - Southland Tales. It’s a sci-fi ( of sorts ).
actors I recognize from SNL and the lady who played BUFFY
THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. It’s a B-movie, but I’d make it a B+-

2009-07-05 - sun
How was UP ?? The trailers ( previews ) all look pretty good.
And I liked all the Pixar films.
I found WALL-E on NETFLIX InstantWatch recently and
swallowed my surprise and watched it ( it had come highly
recommended ). ( I’m such a cartoon guy ! )
Maybe UP will show up ...

Did I say that I think Wally and Eric are heroes ? I think
they are. Tell them to watch out for propane bottles. Don’t
put such between you and the ‘get-out’ place. Either that,
or be like me - real lucky ... Wow !!!

2009-07-06 - mon
The ‘gutter-guy’ ( Bob or Mark or Bill ) is putting a few new
gutters and connectors and corners up. There was a
cancellation or something, so we will get all our stuff done.
It will probably still rain here, and the sun won’t shine like it
should, and Connie still wants to move to a warm place in
Europe - or any place with more warm and sun. Me, I, too,
find that warm is very attractive, and sunshine makes me
happy. But I’m looking at the future availability of drinking
water. Which may be looking too far ahead.
Helen left some pictures here. I think CF has mailed them
to you.
love you,